After deciding to make every Sunday my photo shoot day, the plan was put into action today as I waked up at 930am to travel all the way to Changi Village Terminal to survey that area together with Jufri. Took SBS2638Z on 161 (the noisy engine bus with no aircon) to Sengkang East Rd and hopped onto SBS8335H on 109. The entire journey took shorter than I've expected and I reached there at 1030am, 30 minutes b4 the meeting time. Who knows, Jufri was even eariler..
But anyway, the sun wasnt strong today so after walking around that area and takin a few test shots, we decided to head down to St Michael's Terminal eariler than planned. Took SBS141C on 59 to Tampines Ave 1 (Safra Tampines) and hopped on to SBS1928T on Service 5 which came almost immediately after we alighted. After a short ride on 5, we alighted at Jln Toa Payoh and changed to Service 139 (SBS3879M). We reached Whampoh Rd in no time so we started our photo shoot. The sun at Whampoh was stronger and thus the photos turned out much nicer compared to those at Changi Village. After taking a few shots, we went to have out lunch at the nearby coffeeshop and after that went back on out photo shoot. Not long later, Reuben came and we walked to the bus-stop outside NKF to take photos there. At about 3+pm, I left the group, thinking of taking 139 to Jln Toa Payoh and change 151 home. Who knows.. When I was walking to the bus stop, a 139 came and left. So I decided to walk to Jln Toa Payoh.
Cutting through the blocks, finally Jln Toa Payoh was in-sight, but not the bus-stop. Lucky my sense of direction wasn't bad and I've travelled on PIE (Jln Toa Payoh) countless times, so I walked in the direction of the bus-stop. I practically walking passed 2 temples, under many HDB blocks and even on the road shoulder of PIE... Finally, after 20 minutes, I reached the bus-stop, half-dead. It took 10 minutes for 151 to come, and lucky it was SBS1961X, which is known for it's power and cold aircon. If it was SBS991R, i would be 3/4 dead when I reached home.
The journey on 151 seems extremingly fast because I fell asleep... After alighting at the interchange, I walked home... ...
The entire day was neither hot nor sunny, but guess wad. I wore sandals, and there's tan marks on my feet... I only spent 6 hours under the Sun...
:.:.sweet memories:.:.
didn't turn out that well...

:.:.sweet memories:.:.